The Fantastical, Aerial, International, Reasonably Inconspicuous, Emancipation Squads are in need of a fresh recruit.
They decide to try a new recipe:
Ingredients for a Chosen F.A.I.R.I.E. Squadmember:
Take one spoiled and bitter twelve-year-old, have her run away after being teased by her three older sisters, mix with various fantastical beings that worship the Light of the One true God, throw in a few Dragons, pinch in some evil Imps and have a Witch who serves the Dark One stir it all up, roll in a quest to free beings that are enslaved in Darkness, bake in a fiery battle with spiritual hosts of wickedness, and the twelve-year-old might just learn how to use the full armor of the Light to turn her selfishness into love.
Click HERE to read the first chapter
A little, but I'm not much of a fiction reader :-) Good luck, though!
Well, I don't know...I'd probably need to read the rest of it...Oh, yea....I did.....IT'S GREAT! I hope God blesses you richly through it.
Awesome! It sounds VERY interesting! I hope you will post more as you go along! Thanks for visiting my blog, btw.
Yeah it does grab me, particularly the juxtaposition of the One God with the dragons and supernatural.
It's the first for me to read a story that merges both the supernatural and God at the same time. It's interesting..
Keep writing, I want to
Thanks Bonnie, you know I love ya.
Jennifer and May, I've actually written the entire book and am praying that I will get a publisher for it soon!
Nettie, I'm so glad it grabs you! I wrote it not only for evangelism but for entertainment for people who are already Christians!
hi marianne. thanks for dropping by my site and for leaving a comment.
sounds interesting! i'll definitely be coming back to visit again.
God bless.
Pia~ Glad you like the idea. I've had a blast with it. Stop by anytime...we're always open.
hi! thanks for visiting! great premise! will come back to check on your progress. :)
Thanks for stopping by my site. I hope to write books one day, too. I have my BSJ and write for Charisma magazine now. So cool to meet another writer in the blogosphere. My family and I are about to relocate to NC..what part r u in? We will be in Charlotte.
We are hoping to be there by November. I can't wait to get there. It is so pretty. We visited about a month ago and fell in love with the area.
Thanks ribbiticus and faith in florida! I'm still waiting on the publishers. But I have a list of more that I need to send out my proposal too. Only time will tell~ God's time, that is.
Better safe than sorry~ What a bummer, I can't be sane without reading books. Hope you get more free time; maybe your kids will like it? It is really written for middle school and young adult but I've had adults say they enjoy it too.
I read about your book on Jennifer's comments and thought I'd stop by. I'm reading the 5th of the Narnia Chronicals to my 8 and 9 year olds. They love fantasy fiction. It grabbed me!
Thanks Julie...that is just what I need to hear! I'm excited about the whole venture and pray that I will hear soon from a publisher.
I never read fiction, but the book sounds like something that will certainly peak the interest of those who do. Best of luck with the book. I see Nettie is up there, I knew it would appeal to her.
darlene~thanks for stopping by the blog. You have a terrific blog...I always learn something new and fun.
Sign me up in advance. Can I get an autograph?
Well fred, I do believe you have made my entire month! I'll reserve a signed copy for you bud! You're awesome.
It sounds like it will be good and keep the reader on the edge of his/her seat waiting to see what happens...hope you get it published.
I've been trying to work on some short stories (don't have a lot of time now that school is back in session again), and have some thoughts for novels as well. I did get a bit of a novel started in August though. I want to write for the Lord as well.
It sparks an interest, but not being much of a fiction reader it was somewhat confusing only because this is my first visit. Tks for visiting me, I truly appreciate it and your welcome anytime to return.
Perhaps I feel at the moment torn, because I just left a Christian's site from someone that is still suffering deeply from a childhood of things that not many of us can relate to ever or experienced. Right now that is still very fresh and will be on my mind. I pray for her and I realize we do have a spiritual war going on around us. I thank God for saving me and forgiving us. I think I need to go and find site that may have a prayer list on it...that is where my mind is at this moment for this very special person that is suffering right now...from all the wrong ingredients of evil things from a childhood. Hopefully my response was not a huge bummer for what you were hoping for as far as interest. Take care and wishing you to be Blessed in your goals.
shelly~ hope you'll get published as well!
suzie~ try http://laylasprayerneeds.blogspot.com/2006/12/prayer-needs.html#comments It is a great prayer requests site.
It sounds like a good read is it published?
Not yet pirate, but I'm praying it will be someday soon! I have a proposal into three publishers right now and have a dozen or so more I need to send it to.
This sounds really interesting to me!
running2ks~ THANKS! I've really had oodles of fun with it.
i sent your site to one of my 14 year old cousins (who is a reader) to see what she thinks ... :o) ... hope you find a publisher soon! Lord bless ya!
Sounds very promising, Marianne.
have you checked out http://christianfiction.blogspot.com/ ... seems like there is a contest going on there you might find of interesting ... :o)
Saija~ Thanks! Hope your cousin will stop by and say hi as she reads! Thanks also for the tip. Yeah, I've been to that blog. They've a wonderful set up don't they?
Jean-Luc~ Thank you oh Captain my Captain! I just love your blog.
I love your comments of my '20 Random Facts'!
Thanks Jean-Luc...your tag was just way too funny for me! I laughed and laughed...what a creative guy!
Sounds like fun! I love allegories--Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite. And I like Anne McCaffrey. So would probably like this!
Cheryl~ Thanks! Hopefully it will be published someday! I love Anne McCaffrey too! The Dragon Riders of Pern is the BEST!
I definately want to buy a copy for my kids.
An Ordinary Christian~ Thanks! I so needed to hear that today...waiting on responses from publishers gets tiresome and leads to self-doubt. I've been trying to occupy myself with sending out proposals to new publishers, thinking about the next book (which has a good start thusfar), and blogging.
Hey Bean! I'm so glad that you're interested. Let me know what you think. I actually should repost these chapters as I've made a few changes. They are slight however, so it doesn't change the story-line.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Great work with F.A.I.R.I.E.S., keep it up!
qmgmquor: is it me, or are these verifications getting tougher?
nice one. thanks and God bless
Oops, haven't been by here for a while...
Bean~ Can't wait to see what you think of Part Two
Dana~ Thanks! Your blog is really fun too.
Jeff~ Hello. I'll stop by your blog soon. Welcome!
Found your blog via Nick's. Very creative stuff.
Tracking back, lol. Thanks for visiting me!
I have an interest in unusual things, which is why I found my way to this blog, but you need to contact one of my Freya's Bower.com editors. Her name's Faith. She's big into Faerie Lore. www.bicknell-brown.blogspot.com
Het there. Yes, I research faerie lore. Minister's dau too, lol.
Wildchildpublishing.com, one of the divisions I manage is looking for subs.
Donny and Aurora~ Thanks for your encouragement!
Zinnia~ You're awesome! Thank you for a new pal!
Faith~ As I just said on your blog, I'll go there directly! Thanks!
RYQ: Inspirational is fine. If it's preachy or churchy, then it's not for us.
Darn. I love things with faeries, etc. Good luck!!!
Thanks Faith! I'll be sure to add you to my links on the Pixie blog. You are a sweetheart!
Thanks Karen. You are so sweet. God bless you, too!
I love your fairies! Good luck with placing your book--you have a really compelling story. And you know, the world can't have too many good faery tales!
Jacquie (Keely's scribe)
hi Mimi! I enjoyed meeting at the Philly conference. It's like we're sisters already and I'm looking foward to keeping in touch with you and getting to know you better.
Wow ~ we have lots to work on now, don't we? Bryan Davis was the best.
TTYL ~ love, pam <><
Any word from the agent, yet???????
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